Saturday, June 8, 2013


Been a month or so, but I have nothing much to say. Been watching a lot of Archer and losing motivation to do anything. I seriously feel like that outcast who sits on a couch eating ice cream and watching TV all day. My nonexistent friends either don't have a reason to see me, or just don't want to see me.

This blog is way to full of that bitchy teenage shit on to the next topic!

My 1 year shuffle date is actually the 10th this month. So...I might post up a video. Haven't really been going outside at all. Its plant fucking season, and the air is full of pollen and shit. I hate spring in Michigan. Actually, I hate spring everywhere. It sucks. There only needs to be 2 seasons. Winter, and slightly heavier winter. It would definitely make breathing so much better. Which would really motivate me to dance more.

Its open house season for the last time. Totally not going to any of them because I really don't want to go anywhere, and I possibly don't care depending on who sends me the invitation.
Except Doug. He's okay.

Going to finally learn the wonderful world of Linux, starting with Ubuntu and its other flavors. Specifically Kubuntu. Definitely going to stick with Red Hat this time around. I am so sick of Microsoft. They lost me. That, and my C: is fucked, so I am going to have to switch my OS soon, because I need to switch hard drives. Might as well make the switch in both parts at the same time, right?

That was completely rhetorical.
So don't answer that.
You weird people who might actually be reading this and never commenting.

Later noobs.

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