Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fut yeah.

Jesse moved in and we are together.

The end.

But really, I don't see how my life could get bad with her.
Eddy is going to bootcamp in a month, so Kim is all "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh" for the time being.
Dad moved out, and took Melissa
 with him. Her dumbass son Darion tried to burn the house down, and is dumb enough to shoot a pitbull with a pellet gun. Fuckin numb nuts.
Nate is still an ignorant prick, and he is getting worse. He is still dating that little girl, and he can't keep a job because of his attitude. Dads having similar behavioral issues too.
My grandparents say that they are exactly alike. I'm beginning to see it, though my brother is being a wigger and my dad is being anal about everything.
Using a 5.1 on the computer had to be the best decision I've made so far. Fabbed up a cable to make fake 5.1 and away it went. Its sweet, maybe I'll post photos sometime.

I don't know what to do with my life. I want to build speaker things and eat massive amounts of food with jesse. But other than that, I don't really have a goal.

Maybe I don't need a goal to feel good about living, because thats the way I am right now.
New years resolution? Get in better contact with my friends. See if I can dredge up shit from old friends and see whether I can turn them back into friends.

Like Doug. His dad died, and we haven't been close since.
AJ and I haven't been cool either because of some dude I don't even remember the name of anymore.

And I wonder what happened to Pace. I've been so happy lately, and I have to admit the last time I was happy before now was just talking to her alot. Meh.

Starting a small gaming channel when I get recording equipment. I play alot of games, so I figure I could record and upload them for people to watch.

My fucking goatee is so long I dip it in whatever I'm eating. Like oatmeal, which is the worst to dig out of chin hair. >.>

Alright. ADHD time is over. Time to go ride bikes.
Peace bitches.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Been a month or so, but I have nothing much to say. Been watching a lot of Archer and losing motivation to do anything. I seriously feel like that outcast who sits on a couch eating ice cream and watching TV all day. My nonexistent friends either don't have a reason to see me, or just don't want to see me.

This blog is way to full of that bitchy teenage shit though...so on to the next topic!

My 1 year shuffle date is actually the 10th this month. So...I might post up a video. Haven't really been going outside at all. Its plant fucking season, and the air is full of pollen and shit. I hate spring in Michigan. Actually, I hate spring everywhere. It sucks. There only needs to be 2 seasons. Winter, and slightly heavier winter. It would definitely make breathing so much better. Which would really motivate me to dance more.

Its open house season for the last time. Totally not going to any of them because I really don't want to go anywhere, and I possibly don't care depending on who sends me the invitation.
Except Doug. He's okay.

Going to finally learn the wonderful world of Linux, starting with Ubuntu and its other flavors. Specifically Kubuntu. Definitely going to stick with Red Hat this time around. I am so sick of Microsoft. They lost me. That, and my C: is fucked, so I am going to have to switch my OS soon, because I need to switch hard drives. Might as well make the switch in both parts at the same time, right?

That was completely rhetorical.
So don't answer that.
You weird people who might actually be reading this and never commenting.

Later noobs.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Title says it all. Kim and Eddie are married, and he is headed to boot-camp soon. He is going into the Marine Corps. I had to stand in as his best man because his friend didn't show. Total prick. When his friend showed up at the post wedding dinner, I told him there will not be a problem between him and my sister, or shit flies. Dramatics aside, the party went very well. :)

Jesse warmed up to me, and the drive to Cadillac was way shorter because we blasted that time away. That was sooo much fun, and I wish I spend more time with her more than we currently do.
Her long standing relationshit she had with Koda (ultra dickhead) ended sometime in January, and the last time I talked to her about it I ended up making her upset. I totally begged for her to forgive me. She totally did, so 10 points to Jon. :) I really hope I can have something happen for us again. I would love for a relationship to grow with us to something more than distant best friends. It's nice to see a woman who can put my head in the clouds, no matter how long it's been.

Genessee Health Insurance is great. Way better than Health Plus of Michigan. I can deal with the co-pays because it is a simple and well defined plan.

Growing my hair into a pony tail is going to be awesome. Never had one before, and my hair will be long enough in July to be completely tied.

That covers everything I can think of.  I hope reading about my life entertains the reader.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mostly bad stuff.

Well, pops had a stroke. Grams has a heart problem. My seizure treatment is on maximum without turning me into a bright ass green dork, and the seizures are still happening.
Sucks ass.
Shuffle is seriously boring. I have no motivation to continue.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Made some changes.

The blog is looking better. None of that bubbly shit I had on there. I think it looks pretty basic and clean now.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Ray is moving into Clio with his mom. Kinda sucks, but oh well.
TJ moved back in with his parents due to his brother not taking care of the house he lived in.
Other than that, nothing new. Just dance and gaming.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

1st post of March

Uncle Steve is back in my life. :) Got kicked off health insurance, but found a new one and it will be active in May.
Other than that, nothing new or mentionable.

Drum and bass music is awesome. Check it out.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Been a while

I haven't posted in forever.
Went to Ann arbor and had fun.
Had an eeg, and I still have abnormal brain response. Bad news is that between now and my last one, my brain has become more unstable. I am going going to be shifted to a different medicine. I hope it helps.
My parents are buying a new home within the year. I won't be going with. I don't like the thought of living in Flint. I don't want my grandparents alone. I don't want to live farther away from my few close friends who already have transportation issues with seeing me. So I am staying here and I will finish off the house with my grandfather.
Speaking of friends,  ray and I hang out nearly every day. He is nervous about his road test. Which is odd because he never really shows emotion.
I see Chris every once in a while. He is going off the deep end. I hope he hurries up and just dives into insanity so I don't have to be completely alone.
The near future might have me watching movies with a secret admirer I just found out about. I hope so. It would really be nice. :)
The shuffle page has really blown up lately. I have become more active, and since I joined 50 others have joined. Making a total of 56. Crazy.
I have been reading an electrical book a lot lately, and I am thinking of getting more. I learn a lot of cool stuff in those.

I guess that's all for now.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February update

I haven't posted in a while. So here goes.

My uncle Chris was cremated. My dad and my remaining uncles were upset. The funeral went smoothly and there wasn't any fighting. A lot of people showed up to pay respects. I didn't know my uncles middle name, which is Milton. Him, and my grandparents were the only people that knew to my knowledge but I may be wrong. The day he passed away was also my dad's birthday.

I saw my cousin Melissa :) I remember when I was little that I would always sit on her lap and be Mr. Cuddly with her. She's awesome like that and is overly momish. She has 2 kids and they already call me Uncle Jon with the games.  They are adorable. Their names are Steven and Christopher. She divorced their father. He regularly beat her and the kids. He was always drunk, and my uncle chuck beat him up. He is the most calm person I have ever met. It is very hard to make him violent. Normally he just turns red or purple and brushes it off. That's quite a bad accomplishment to get him mad.

I have been playing way too much on the ps3. I have anywhere from 10 to 20 people online at all times. That is crazy. Upside is I have a crap ton of trophies now. I am on chapter 6 on dead space impossible mode :)

Social life has declined. I only talk to Ray, the members of mid Michigan shufflers, and occasionally Charlotte and Alexis.

Events on the 20th and the 12th. On the 12th I will have an eeg done. On the 20th Sony is releasing details on the playstation prototype, dubbed the ps4. I doubt they will name it ps4. But it is possible.

Later today, I might post a shuffle video. I am also gathering music to practice a new dance type called tecktonik. It is an arm dance consisting of basic pops and waves. I want to get good within a couple months and mix it with shuffle and glides that I already know.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Today is my Uncle Chris's cremation ceremony. My Uncle Carter is here, and my little sister Kim is here also.
Alexis is going to the ceremony as well.

I hope Donald shows up sober. I don't want to see any fights over there. That would suck a lot.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Centipede coming through...

......╚⊙ ⊙╝


MIS meet :)

The meet was a fricken BLAST!!!
The meet was in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the U of M campus in Mason Hall.
All of this was recorded last night, Sunday. I will post more footage on my blog as I find it, I wasn't the only one with a camera.

We got lost in Ann Arbor for a while, so we ended up asking a taxi driver where it was. At that point we were literally looking right at the building. On the way into the building we met a random couple out on a date that didn't even know about the meet, but knew how to hardstyle shuffle.

All of this was recorded on iDroid, and I used my home made rig to blare the music. I think I posted about that a while ago, and it is LOUD. We kept it on halfway the whole time. JJ of HSZ edited the clips together to make the whole video using Sony Vegas. He did a good job considering the quality of the footage was on an ex-phone.

Thomas, JJ, and I all packed into a truck for over an hour and a half drive there and back just to shuffle, and we ate a 12 pack of donuts for dinner. When we got home JJ fired up the computer and got to work right away, then Ray came over. Him and TJ played games. 
As soon as I opened the door I crashed. The combined effort of pills, loud music, sugar, and extreme dancing wore me out.

On a side note,
Tia and I have been texting.
And that makes me feel like this:

Every time I check my phone.

It's rare to have any messages on my phone,
More rare for them to be from women,
And quite odd to be from a women I have an affection for...
I believe I need to get my head out of the clouds.
I doubt she will want any part of me ever.

Ashley is gone, and we will not talk.
I lost a big part of my friendships,
I lost quite a bit of my trust in women,
And the same happened to one of my best friends.
My blood family was beginning to reprimand me for talking to her,
And my extended family never wanted to hear about her.
She is gone and we are no longer in each others lives.
That, and I called her a bitch.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

News :)

Made a return to shuffle, and I made 3 recordings of them all :)
Friend of mine wanted to edit them, and he is currently doing so.
He thinks I am good, but I don't feel as awesome as he says.
I will post a link to the edit he has made when he finishes.
Also, there is a shuffle meetup in Ann Arbor this Sunday, and TJ and I are going. I'm fucking stoked.

Booty Swing

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rush - 2112

Personally, I think the song should cut to 0:50.
Everything before that hurts my ears.
But still, amazing music.

2012 ended. It sucked ass.

Title says it all. I will eventually get around to doing an update. Today I'm to lazy.