Monday, February 25, 2013

Been a while

I haven't posted in forever.
Went to Ann arbor and had fun.
Had an eeg, and I still have abnormal brain response. Bad news is that between now and my last one, my brain has become more unstable. I am going going to be shifted to a different medicine. I hope it helps.
My parents are buying a new home within the year. I won't be going with. I don't like the thought of living in Flint. I don't want my grandparents alone. I don't want to live farther away from my few close friends who already have transportation issues with seeing me. So I am staying here and I will finish off the house with my grandfather.
Speaking of friends,  ray and I hang out nearly every day. He is nervous about his road test. Which is odd because he never really shows emotion.
I see Chris every once in a while. He is going off the deep end. I hope he hurries up and just dives into insanity so I don't have to be completely alone.
The near future might have me watching movies with a secret admirer I just found out about. I hope so. It would really be nice. :)
The shuffle page has really blown up lately. I have become more active, and since I joined 50 others have joined. Making a total of 56. Crazy.
I have been reading an electrical book a lot lately, and I am thinking of getting more. I learn a lot of cool stuff in those.

I guess that's all for now.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February update

I haven't posted in a while. So here goes.

My uncle Chris was cremated. My dad and my remaining uncles were upset. The funeral went smoothly and there wasn't any fighting. A lot of people showed up to pay respects. I didn't know my uncles middle name, which is Milton. Him, and my grandparents were the only people that knew to my knowledge but I may be wrong. The day he passed away was also my dad's birthday.

I saw my cousin Melissa :) I remember when I was little that I would always sit on her lap and be Mr. Cuddly with her. She's awesome like that and is overly momish. She has 2 kids and they already call me Uncle Jon with the games.  They are adorable. Their names are Steven and Christopher. She divorced their father. He regularly beat her and the kids. He was always drunk, and my uncle chuck beat him up. He is the most calm person I have ever met. It is very hard to make him violent. Normally he just turns red or purple and brushes it off. That's quite a bad accomplishment to get him mad.

I have been playing way too much on the ps3. I have anywhere from 10 to 20 people online at all times. That is crazy. Upside is I have a crap ton of trophies now. I am on chapter 6 on dead space impossible mode :)

Social life has declined. I only talk to Ray, the members of mid Michigan shufflers, and occasionally Charlotte and Alexis.

Events on the 20th and the 12th. On the 12th I will have an eeg done. On the 20th Sony is releasing details on the playstation prototype, dubbed the ps4. I doubt they will name it ps4. But it is possible.

Later today, I might post a shuffle video. I am also gathering music to practice a new dance type called tecktonik. It is an arm dance consisting of basic pops and waves. I want to get good within a couple months and mix it with shuffle and glides that I already know.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Today is my Uncle Chris's cremation ceremony. My Uncle Carter is here, and my little sister Kim is here also.
Alexis is going to the ceremony as well.

I hope Donald shows up sober. I don't want to see any fights over there. That would suck a lot.