I haven't posted in forever.
Went to Ann arbor and had fun.
Had an eeg, and I still have abnormal brain response. Bad news is that between now and my last one, my brain has become more unstable. I am going going to be shifted to a different medicine. I hope it helps.
My parents are buying a new home within the year. I won't be going with. I don't like the thought of living in Flint. I don't want my grandparents alone. I don't want to live farther away from my few close friends who already have transportation issues with seeing me. So I am staying here and I will finish off the house with my grandfather.
Speaking of friends, ray and I hang out nearly every day. He is nervous about his road test. Which is odd because he never really shows emotion.
I see Chris every once in a while. He is going off the deep end. I hope he hurries up and just dives into insanity so I don't have to be completely alone.
The near future might have me watching movies with a secret admirer I just found out about. I hope so. It would really be nice. :)
The shuffle page has really blown up lately. I have become more active, and since I joined 50 others have joined. Making a total of 56. Crazy.
I have been reading an electrical book a lot lately, and I am thinking of getting more. I learn a lot of cool stuff in those.
I guess that's all for now.