Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
I've always been fascinated with books, movies, and games involved with augmentation of the mind and body. H+, The Matrix, Half Life, Deus Ex, things like that. Not exactly robotic and "hardware" augments, like I Robot. More of "software" augments or implanted augments, almost like real dreams or thought and emotional controlling augments, and stories of such things going wrong. Remotely hackable things, conspiracy styled fantasy, that can be almost plausible, yet always has a hero styled hacker group, making hackers and underground groups look like good guys.
I am a huge fan of Google+, and their new glasses project. I want to see the development a success, and I want to see that become a marketable item. I would really buy a set of those. They are bringing stories I am a fan of to life. I just hope that the bad end of the stories doesn't completely affect Google+. The horror of the stories I read should stay in the stories, even if the horror effects are plausible.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Watch this bullshit
I don't give a damn if he is a fucking stoner or not, the phrase "green day" is still fucking rumored to be a word related to mary janes amazing fucking stalk.
Fucking music lately is going to shit.
However, The bible is just a book with stories in it. If you say stories made up by people are real, you can also say everything written in Harry Potter books are real.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I love cold autumn air. I feel like I like breathe clearly, even though I know its just the illusion of the cold air.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Macaroni elbows and shells
Boil that shit
A baking dish
350 for twenty
Bake that shit
Eat that shit
A great taste in your mouth.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
And I leave behind
This hurricane of fucking lies
And I have walked this line
A million and 1 fucking times
But not this time.
Note to self
Door + face = pain.
Please use caution and coordination whenever approaching a doorway.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Sunlight. Time to retreat to my daily medication induced coma.
Keep friends close, and enemies closer...Nate is somehow tied to a marijuana mixup from some nasty people, and TJ is mixed in somehow as well. I hope it just blows by so that my brother and my best friend can escape the clutches of drugs and stupidity.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Depressed today.
I woke up feeling really depressed today. I really don't feel like conversing or doing anything. I feel like sleeping all day.
And killing that little fucking weedwhacker dog we have that wont stop screeching and yipping.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Haven't posted in a while
My birthday was great :) no one bugged me, and I had a nice quiet day to myself. Hung out with Chris and gamed for a while. Made some thick ass waffles with vanilla flavor. Tasted awesome.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Dedicated to...
New stereo head.
A solid upgrade. Even has a remote.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Bad, neutral, and good
Melissa's voice woke me up, which is the worst way to wake me. Ever.
Tia expressed she loves me more than she can say or express. That's something I've never had directed to me. My gut instinct isn't telling me if that's good or bad, my heart says that's the best news, and my mind says I should question that further. Honestly not bad, but my insides are weird from hearing that, so that's a neutral topic.
I ate applesauce.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
I fell for the first time
I fell while dancing. For the first time ever. Since June I haven't fallen while dancing. Ever. Until tonight. Makes me happy to know it took me that long. Hurts like a bitch though.
Tia is on my usual...
Friday, September 7, 2012
More entertaining than television shows nowadays, too.
Last night I was in such a great mood while I was talking to Tia. Then the internet died on me. I was in a great mood even after that and I even went to bed happy. I was bummed that I didn't say goodnight...but I feel she knows me well enough to know I love her and that I want to say goodnight every night, so i suppose.
I hope she can say the same :)
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
That went OK I guess. I just hope tia gets a Med change or something soon. Not a fan of awesome people who get stoned and depressive anymore.
I have no grip on my current predicament. No insightful guiding feeling that I always have to put me into adjusting for what is about to happen. Nothing. Completely blank. I have to admit this is a first time. And I will do everything in my power to make it the last time. Its all good in the end though so I suppose.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
So I typed into my contacts list what I thought was "Jj" but the second j didn't register. Well it automatically added the first j result to my recipient list. Oddly it was someone I didn't even know was on my list of contacts until I checked my sent message. Sent a message to Jessica Harpst. I sincerely hope she is still a cold woman and doesn't respond because I really don't want any contact with her. Needless to say, I deleted the contact info.
Baby Jesus?
While I was in the emergency room for that asthma attack, the doctor called me a walking miracle after I told him about my medical past. 1 death and countless near deaths isn't something anybody lives through without going insane, according to the doc. He called me baby Jesus. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended.
Pm5k binge.
I think I am going to aquire every powerman 5000 single and blare them. That industrial punk shit is really close to how I am now.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Earlier today I looked. Big mistake. Huge sack of bricks feeling an everything.
So after that I finally got up out of bed and danced for a while. Started on jerk basics. Practiced my moonwalk. Still can't believe I was the only Guy at the meet that could moonwalk mid shuffle :)
I can keep beat with fast songs now for a bit, and I'm delving into harder stepping. Its not very comfy but I can move more when goiing hard over attempting shuffle with finesse.
I uploaded every video I recorded to YouTube. I'm still in awe of how sweet it was at the meet. Patrick was saying something about a meet in October in Ann arbor on campus. And a meet in November back at Rosa Parks place.
I might miss October but I would LOVE to go in November. Never shuffled in snow. :)
I really hope I can go with Thomas. Shuffling without him nearby left me feeling exposed. Im not the type to get nerves but it was real awesome and he wasn't there.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Hanging out with Kim and eddie was great, seeing as i finally got to have bro time with eddie :) Ate asome bk and got a total tour of rosa parks place. we shuffled in front of the library with a creepy old guy.
Kim and I went driving around for ages, then we got some bagels and a huuuuge slurpee.
Water up there cost 2.49 for a 16 oz bottle. Fucking ridiculous...
I posted so many shuffle videos. Had a great time.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Got wifi
Kim does have interwebs.
Today was spent walking around downtown with Eddie. Then while he was working Kim and I spent time chowing on bagels and making fun of weird black people.
I was accused of shoplifting. Funny thing, I'm wearing skinny jeans. Where the fuck would I put anything?
Early in the morning I was in the er for a severe asthma attack. I'm good now. I figured out where Rosa Parks circle is. So the shuffle meet tomorrow will be sweet. I'm excited