Thursday, December 13, 2012

Dec. Update #2

Today I have an appointment with a lawyer, to fight the state's decision to turn me down for SSI. I really hope the amount of proof I have is enough for a case. We shall see.
Friday I have an appointment with the neurologist. I honestly do not remember the last time I had a seizure. That is good :)
Another good thing I love about this year, I haven't caught a lung illness. This is the first year in my life that I haven't become ill in my lungs. That's a first.

I changed my XMB on the PS3 to an animated Gangnam Style background. It's pretty sweet.

I'm changing the speakers out on my computer, so it's not quite epic anymore.
I plan on using the speakers I'm taking from the computer to make a portable rocking rig, and use it to shuffle while making an extreme amount of noise.
Two Auidovox 2-way cabinets, 6" mid woofer with a 2-1/2" tweeter in ported enclosures, and a Sharper Image 8" woofer also in a porter enclosure. I'm going to put those on a Jensen XA2100 Tri-path class T amplifier made for a car. I'm going to wire it to a Diehard yellow cap battery, wired in the 3 way setup. The woofer will be bridged while the Audiovox's are in normal configuration.

Link to the service manual as proof it's possible.

I will buy filter's soon to keep my speakers safe, but honestly I don't think they will last long enough to worry about that.
The cases are nice though, so if I do blow the speakers, I will just replace them in time.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Got turned down for ssi again, and I let my anger get the best of me. Which led to almost losing Ash, but I think we worked it out in a phone call. I don't want that to happen again, and I don't intend to let it happen again. I really want to keep our friendship strong. She helps me with a load of shit.

My Uncle Chris is getting better upstairs, but he got sick again. Which put a temporary halt on the garage door. The garage door needs to be finished soon. I don't like waking up every morning and working while my meds are still kicking my ass. I've already fallen off a ladder twice.

I am EXCITED for the 14th. I am going to see my neurologist, and I haven't had a seizure in ages. Its been so long I don't even remember anymore. My grandfather gave me a Sears driving course book my sister Kim used to go through driving school. My father is starting to make driving plans for me, and he intends to give me one of my dream cars as a life present. 2004 Pontiac Grand Am GT-X. 3800 V6. Modified suspension, and a Pioneer head unit. It's wicked.

I still haven't heard from Mt. Morris Schools about when I am having a opening to take a GED test, so I am going to call them after I get home from Uncle Chris's house tomorrow. Having that GED will help me immensely, and my Uncle Carter is lining up room at his workplace for me to apply and have a better chance than the average guy at getting into the company he works for.

Nate is buying a new drum set, and is talking about passing the old CB set to me. I'd like to learn to play it, but at the same time drum heads aren't exactly cheap. Musically, I'd love to play piano, and I really want my Uncle Chuck to let me borrow his Casio. I always have piano music running through my head. Most of the time it's all made up stuff and I think if I could play I'd impress a load of people.

I still don't like talking to people at all. I'd like to keep my social life to a minimum, considering most of the things I hear from others are things I either don't care about or things I can't do anything about. I don't see a point in listening to others, and when I do listen I feel annoyed at how others care to tell me things. Sometimes I wish I had a mute button for people so that I'm able to not listen in a not-so-rude manor, instead of directly saying "I don't care." Which I do say quite often.

I don't have much of a social life, which doesn't bother me at all, but I miss having a woman to cuddle with or confide to. I haven't gone without dating in ages for more than 6 months. It's getting close to 6 months since my last unfortunate break-up, and I'm getting lonely. Which seems hypocritical, but I like showing a woman that I can care. And kissing, that's my favorite part of dating. It doesn't matter if the woman isn't any good at kissing, I just love it. I miss showing off things like that.

On a side note, I'd like to thank my speech teacher when I was a kid for teaching me how to spell and speak in my head. I wrote this entire thing without using spell checker. I think that's quite a feat.

Friday, November 30, 2012


People are stupid. I hate everyone, so I am going to recluse for a while.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Should I quit shuffle entirely, or just keep practicing? It is so boring, and I don't want to mix it up right now with anything else. There is nobody to watch, other than the net itself, people I don't chill with frequently, and people who don't care for techno or the dances for it. It's boring to shuffle without an audience.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Been working at my uncles house quite a bit.Monday I am going to call MT. Morris alternative center to make an appointment to take my test for a GED. After that I don't know what to do.

Also I quit the shuffle group I was a part of. It was very boring. I might stop shuffling altogether.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Been busy...

Been helping my uncle chris out a lot lately. seen AJ yesterday.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Been a while

Shuffled earlier today, and I am seriously rusty. I got a hole of a GED textbook, and I'm reading that :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Had some fun

Today I went to my friend Lisa letts 25th Bday. Her aunt bought dinner. We went bowling :) I saw Kim and Erie and we bowled, girls versus boys, and Eddie and I won. I saw Kat today, and yesterday was spent with Chris. Had a lot of fun lately and I just wish I could keep having such fun. But that shit gets expensive.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

More videos from MrSuicideSheep (playlist)


I fell again while shuffling. This time I was trying to do a move called the tornado spin. Didn't go so well. So tornado spins and sacco kicks are out. Hardstyle shuffle isn't what my body can handle D:
So I am going to go back to practicing electro and thai. I'm going to be in a compilation soon. :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012


I used to love thunderstorms, but I always get headaches from them. In the most recent years of my life, the headaches have been worse and worse. This year since I have been taking medication for my brain, the headaches aren't really horrible. They still hurt really bad. And I force myself to sleep through them. But I miss watching it rain outside. It was nice to watch thunder and lightning and only feel a twinge easily fixed by a tylenol. Its not like that now, and it hasn't been for about 4 years, but its getting close to being bearable.

On a side note, being a sociable creature is pointless. I suppose I am going to use this blogspot as a journal more than a newspaper for the unknown. From a psychological standpoint, most people who keep a journal or a diary tend to have a less stressful lifestyle, and closure comes easier to those same people. Even to minor things, like breaking a cup or squishing a spider, which tend to be spontaneous and shocking, are more easily dealt with. I'd like to be numb to emotion, but I have yet to find a legal way to do so. So I suppose keeping a journal is the closest I can get to being detatched. Even if its just making small things easier to deal with.

On a left side note, I really want a fucking cupcake and a strong cup of coffee.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Haven't been feeling well.
Enjoy the tunes.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I might leave the crew I was just accepted into. Fuckers want to make somebody a leader. I get fucking butt-hurt when some clown says "oh I'm the leader of a crew" like what the fuck does that make me? A pee-on? Fuck that. I can respect a title that insinuates a big donor to the crew, like a forum. But for a clown to say "leader" as in "boss", No. I sent a tryout in because I was assured there would be no said "leader", and that every member is a donor, not a member on a chain of command.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Had the shoes for 2 days, and they are already flattened out. Upside is they have a nice thick bottom. Give them a month tops.
Getting better at kicks and glides, and I'm trying a new move called a side glide, or a sideways moonwalk. Makes my groin muscles hurt like a motherfucker though.
Attempts at DnB have been quite successful also. an easy dance, and I think it might help with the hop coordination I need to practice jump style and hard jumping.

Nothing flashy, considering I haven't added the crew intro yet, but I don't think I'm doing bad for 4 days short of 5 months.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Yay :)

Got new kicks, and I am going to shuffle tomorrow in them. A lot. I'll post up the results to my YouTube channel, and post up the links here tomorrow as well. :)

Learning on bass guitar.




Maybe this...

And eventually this :)


Yeah here comes the water
It comes to wash away
The sins of you and I
This time you'll see

Best lyric ever.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I had some crazy dreams


Everything about Mozilla and related is awesome. Even the junk email sent by the Mozilla team is interesting to read.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Long time no dance until now


I've always been fascinated with books, movies, and games involved with augmentation of the mind and body. H+, The Matrix, Half Life, Deus Ex, things like that. Not exactly robotic and "hardware" augments, like I Robot. More of "software" augments or implanted augments, almost like real dreams or thought and emotional controlling augments, and stories of such things going wrong. Remotely hackable things, conspiracy styled fantasy, that can be almost plausible, yet always has a hero styled hacker group, making hackers and underground groups look like good guys. 

I am a huge fan of Google+, and their new glasses project. I want to see the development a success, and I want to see that become a marketable item. I would really buy a set of those. They are bringing stories I am a fan of to life. I just hope that the bad end of the stories doesn't completely affect Google+. The horror of the stories I read should stay in the stories, even if the horror effects are plausible.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Green Day - Jesus Of Suburbia (Video)

Watch this bullshit

 Absolutely fucking ridiculous, limiting a famous punk rock band from 45 to 25. Fucking suits.
 I don't give a damn if he is a fucking stoner or not, the phrase "green day" is still fucking rumored to be a word related to mary janes amazing fucking stalk.
Fucking music lately is going to shit.


Like any belief, even evolution, you need faith. But just look around. Look at your body and discover how complex it is. A constructed building does not just appear out of no where. Someone had to create it. Look up the vastness of the universe and you will be amazed, even if you don't believe in God.

However, The bible is just a book with stories in it. If you say stories made up by people are real, you can also say everything written in Harry Potter books are real.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012


Macaroni elbows and shells
Boil that shit

A baking dish
350 for twenty
Bake that shit

Eat that shit
A great taste in your mouth.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Depressed today.

I woke up feeling really depressed today. I really don't feel like conversing or doing anything. I feel like sleeping all day.

And killing that little fucking weedwhacker dog we have that wont stop screeching and yipping.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Haven't posted in a while

My birthday was great :) no one bugged me, and I had a nice quiet day to myself. Hung out with Chris and gamed for a while. Made some thick ass waffles with vanilla flavor. Tasted awesome.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Bad, neutral, and good

Melissa's voice woke me up, which is the worst way to wake me. Ever.

Tia expressed she loves me more than she can say or express. That's something I've never had directed  to me. My gut instinct isn't telling me if that's good or bad, my heart says that's the best news, and my mind says I should question that further. Honestly not bad, but my insides are weird from hearing that, so that's a neutral topic.

I ate applesauce.


Friday, September 7, 2012


I love thunderstorms. Awesome stuff.

More entertaining than television shows nowadays, too.

Grand Rapids Shuffle Meetup 4!!!

Dehydrated peaches :)

Taste amazing.

exhaust slightly overdone



Last night I was in such a great mood while I was talking to Tia. Then the internet died on me. I was in a great mood even after that and I even went to bed happy. I was bummed that I didn't say goodnight...but I feel she knows me well enough to know I love her and that I want to say goodnight every night, so i suppose.

I hope she can say the same :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


That went OK I guess. I just hope tia gets a Med change or something soon. Not a fan of awesome people who get stoned and depressive anymore.


I just twisted my fucking ankle. Fuck jerk dancing.


I have no grip on my current predicament. No insightful guiding feeling that I always have to put me into adjusting for what is about to happen. Nothing. Completely blank. I have to admit this is a first time. And I will do everything in my power to make it the last time. Its all good in the end though so I suppose.

I have a new background :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bigger Stronger Faster steroid documentary

Exploding Arms - Mans Arms Explode from Steroids


I looked again.

Funny stuff.

BK chicken tastes better than kfc.


So I typed into my contacts list what I thought was "Jj" but the second j didn't register. Well it automatically added the first j result to my recipient list. Oddly it was someone I didn't even know was on my list of contacts until I checked my sent message. Sent a message to Jessica Harpst. I sincerely hope she is still a cold woman and doesn't respond because I really don't want any contact with her. Needless to say, I deleted the contact info.

Baby Jesus?

While I was in the emergency room for that asthma attack, the doctor called me a walking miracle after I told him about my medical past. 1 death and countless near deaths isn't something anybody lives through without going insane, according to the doc. He called me baby Jesus. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or offended.


Good music


Pm5k binge.

I think I am going to aquire every powerman 5000 single and blare them. That industrial punk shit is really close to how I am now.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Full goatee.

I finally chopped my facial pubes and have a fully connected goatee. Totally a first


Earlier today I looked. Big mistake. Huge sack of bricks feeling an everything.

So after that I finally got up out of bed and danced for a while. Started on jerk basics. Practiced my moonwalk. Still can't believe I was the only Guy at the meet that could moonwalk mid shuffle :)
I can keep beat with fast songs now for a bit, and I'm delving into harder stepping. Its not very comfy but I can move more when goiing hard over attempting shuffle with finesse.
I uploaded every video I recorded to YouTube. I'm still in awe of how sweet it was at the meet. Patrick was saying something about a meet in October in Ann arbor on campus. And a meet in November back at Rosa Parks place.
I might miss October but I would LOVE to go in November. Never shuffled in snow. :)
I really hope I can go with Thomas. Shuffling without him nearby left me feeling exposed. Im not the type to get nerves but it was real awesome  and he wasn't there.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I'm home and the meet was AWESOME!
Hanging out with Kim and eddie was great, seeing as i finally got to have bro time with eddie :) Ate asome bk and got a total tour of rosa parks place. we shuffled in front of the library with a creepy old guy.
Kim and I went driving around for ages, then we got some bagels and a huuuuge slurpee.
Water up there cost 2.49 for a 16 oz bottle. Fucking ridiculous...
I posted so many shuffle videos. Had a great time.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Got wifi

Kim does have interwebs.
Today was spent walking around downtown with Eddie. Then while he was working Kim and I spent time chowing on bagels and making fun of weird black people.
I was accused of shoplifting. Funny thing, I'm wearing skinny jeans. Where the fuck would I put anything?
Early in the morning I was in the er for a severe asthma attack. I'm good now. I figured out where Rosa Parks circle is. So the shuffle meet tomorrow will be sweet. I'm excited

Friday, August 31, 2012


I'm departing shortly.

"Remember three months from this date. Good things are in store for you."
According to my fortune cookie.


You all know what this is.


Kevin came over today. Had a problem with his radio. Took me only an hour to diagnose and repair the problem.

He had a blown fuse and a wire short on the constant 12 volt +. The only info I had was it wasn't saving stations, and demomode stayed active.

I'm pretty proud.

Good music for the day.

Static-X - The Only.

Jerk - Sucked In

Celldweller - Eon

Pendulum - Salt In The Wounds

Thomax ft.Reef The Lost Cause - Get Me Outta Here

Stuff. :)

Going to go pick up so new kicks soon. Need them so that I can use my old ones to shuffle in.
 Might get hi-tops today, though I don't know how well I'd move in them.

People should look up Soul Asylum. Great band with great music. Personally, I think "Misery" is their best song. They play music similar to Collective Soul, with a bit more 90's garage band touch. Great mix.

Ashley faded back into my life, and so did AJ. Glad to be on speaking terms, and since I'm not exactly tied to anyone I don't have to play good guy. I can say whatever the fuck I want. It's great. I'll admit it still stings. But nobody here gives a shit about that mushy shit.

Got myself new speakers, and just finished installing them. I love them already. They play rock music great, but blaring hard style through them is a bit overwhelming. I'm going to have to see if I can get Dann to adjust my EQ. He's amazing at that shit. My front speakers need to be replaced, or I need to build a new L-pad for them. the shit is old school, considering I built the L-pads at Tech Center ages ago. Might do both actually.

Goodwill called me for a chance at an interview on Tuesday. The dude is going to call me on Monday and tell me if I got an actual interview. I hope, I'd like to have cash to finish off all my crazy speaker designs. I'd like to buy some polyfill for my front speakers before I replace parts in them. Just to see if it's the box causing the bass distortion.

Black Ops online sucks asshole. I already raged before I even got in-game. Anyone who knows how bad I rage knows that I rage after deaths, not before I even play. So that's saying something dudes. I'm going to beat Dead Space finally, even though I pretty much know the whole story line. Good series.

So that's it for now. I do believe this is my longest blog post. I'm going to have to find a way to post off my cell phone. Kim has yet to buy internet from her local ISP out there to my knowledge. So I probably won't even post.

If you guys don't have my YouTube channel yet, look me up and subscribe. h0t5h0tj0n. The o's are zero's, and the s in hotshot is a 5. I'll definitely record while I'm there. And if I can I'll use the McDonald's wifi to get online and post.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I can't get her off my mind. I hope she's off it soon though. Its beginning to hurt. And I already don't sleep...wonder what she's up to...and whether I'm going to have any welcome come March...or April...or ever...


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


This nazi certainly died funny. Thank black ops for that.

Me? Offensive? Yes please :)

I'm offensive. I don't give a shit either. And I'm one of those types to openly tell somebody right to their face both of those and not feel a single bit of guilt.

Unless I care. :(


Im finally getting around to learning break dance. I'm excited because its strenuous on the upper body. I want my muscles! My goal is to be able to stand on my head and do a pushups. Anyone who knows me well knows I'm going to leave a set of footprints on the ceiling :P

Good vs. Bad

I am able to apply for a driving permit at the end of October. I have a chance at going to the shuffle meet in grand rapids on the second. I also finally got around to fixing Kim's radio and finished cleaning the battery pack for my mobile stereo. Now I just need to buy a battery.
However, I ruined another relationship with another woman. I'm beginning to think women aren't my thing and I'm going to fuck everything up in the future with anyone else.
I suppose I should become asexual and just work on making my own personal gain my priority.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Finally got around to disassembling the battery case for my mobile DJ power holder. Found a nasty mouse nest and a burned out lightbulb.

The circuitry and relay is useless for what I'm going to use the rest of the electricals for so I just removed those.

I'm going to install a 30 amp master fuse and two 5 amp fuses.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Guitar body

Handmade guitar. Cheapo sheet wood. Mass amounts of sustain. Going to be solid matte white with black accents and hardware.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

About right.


Hung out with TJ and Ray all day. Bitched at some shit, some games, and Darion's squeaky voice. I swear he hasn't hit puberty yet.
Hung out with the stoners across the road for a bit and just bullshitted about raves and the new neighbor.
That was quite interesting...
Danced a bit :) TJ has some new moves.

Not good

Today and tomorrow are really going to suck. Sickness is at its height right now and it hurts to move. Feels like someone is sitting on my chest while wearing soccer cleat shorts.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

So true.



 I've deceided I'm not going to drop out. Even with all the shit going on around here, I feel that I need a diploma to have a chance at anything, and I shouldn't let the said shit get me down.

Tia really knows how to make me smile. And she's a real sweetheart to me.

Darion and I played black ops for a bit on the ps3. It was pretty fun :)

Posted a video on Youtube to join a kid's shuffle crew. I wonder what the judges will say. I'll post up a link sometime after the video is edited.

I want one of these pillow sets.

Ford v8

Got to tear one of these apart


Played a weird game called blokus today :) got totally owned.

With darion.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

About time right?

Made a blogspot. :)
I will post cool stuff here, and any future dance or speaker things.